In a world that is increasingly getting monopolized by large corporations, aspiring startups bring the much needed market balance. A successful startup underlines a core idea that it fervently believes, and exhibits a sign of will power that inspires many others too. It gives its employees a sense of purpose and makes careers as something that goes beyond a regular salary. In this sense, every startup entrepreneur is a Visvamitra, who are challenging status quo and working to create a new legacy. It is our privilege to identify and recognize the best Startup minds of today, who are working for a noble cause that will benefit the larger society.
AWARDED TO Mr. Federico Pipitone
Mr. Federico Pipitone, after graduating in Law in Pavia, returned to his homeland, Sicily, to contribute to his father’s company. After a short time, he decided to found his own business investing on his own modern idea. Following his intuition of business model, in 2018 he founded Adempi s.r.l., a company active in the field of credit management. In just one year of activity, the company absorbed the entire staff of its father’s previous company and managed to reach a credit portfolio of over 89 million euros, reaching break even point in the first year.